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WoW – Heritage Armor Guide and Videos

WoW Heritage Armor World of Warcraft, Blizzard added in several unique armor appearances into the game for players to earn. These cosmetic armor sets are...

Fortnite Burger Explained and Gift Ideas

Origin The Fortnite Burger is a meme that appeared along with the launch of Fortnite, on July 25, 2017. The game has a fictitious fast-food...

Warframe Gauss: Everything You Need to Know Gauss is the 41st Warframe who appeared on August 29th, 2019. He is comprised of shiny composites all resistant to heat, and boy does he run...

World of Warcraft Shadowlands Season 1 Live Castle Nathria   Introduction Shadowlands is shaping to be the best expansion since Wrath of the Lich King. Season 1 is live now and the first raid has...

Stolen Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 Source Code Sold at Auction

After a brutal cyber attack earlier this week, things are not looking any better for CD Projekt Red, the game developers know for titles...